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May 21, 2013
May 21, 2013

Dave Getman, Kale Kalloch, Holly Palmgren, John Vieira, Tom Lynch, and Ron Thompson from the PCC were in attendance

John Vieira called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00pm.

A Notice of Intent was filed by Andrysick Land Surveying for 50 Calamint Hill Road South, Princeton for William Nichols for paving an existing driveway within the buffer zone.  Site visit held on 5/16/13 by Kale Kalloch and John Vieira and the property owner, William Nichols.  Doug Andrysick summarized the project which includes the paving of an existing driveway.  There is a small area of rutting in existing driveway which will be graded.  There is about 16 to 18 inches of compact gravel base existing.  The paved driveway will be cross sloped and channeled to a couple of dispersal ladders to help with the increased velocity from the paving.  Work is expected to take 1 to 2 days.  Abutters have been notified, and copies of green cards submitted.  There will be approximately 5,000 square feet of pavement.  Question was raised as to the status of the previous Order of Conditions issued to prior owner of the property.  After discussion and looking into the PCC files, it was determined that Mr. Nichols requested a Certificate of Compliance for the prior Order in 2010.  However, the prior Order was never recorded as required.  Meeting minutes from October 2010 show that the PCC conducted a site visit on 10/17/10 and voted at the meeting to issue a Certificate of Compliance to the file but not issue to the property owner.  The PCC voted at this meeting to issue an Order of Conditions for file # 267-0365 for the paving of the driveway pending a discussion with DEP on how to handle the previous Order and Certificate.

PCC discussion regarding DCR Wachusett Mtn. Administration Road and Certificate of Compliance.  Dave Getman recused himself from this discussion.  John Vieira tried to schedule a site visit with DCR before this meeting, but was not able to.  John spoke with Diane Morrissey of DCR, who is now the point of contact for DCR and responsible for the on-going maintenance of the roadway system.  The PCC discussed some possible dates for a future site visit with DCR before the June 2013 meeting.  The PCC agreed that a Monday or Tuesday evening would work between now and the next meeting.  John will contact Diane to schedule.

PCC received a letter dated 4/13/13 from National Grid with the Treatment Periods and what will be treated.   John Vieira recused himself from this discussion.  This letter is in regards to the Yearly Operating Plan (YOP).  Dave Getman has already reviewed and commented on this for DCR and indicated that the maps are accurate regarding resource areas.  No action is required by the PCC at this time.  The current Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) is valid from 2009 to 2013.  Tom Lynch expressed interest in reviewing the VMP, John Vieira will send Tom a link to the VMP.

PCC discussion with a possible Associate Member.  Larry Todd expressed an interest in becoming an associate member based on the advertisement in the Landmark.  Larry lives at 270 Thompson Road and was on the zoning board when he lived in Leicester.  Larry is willing to attend MACC training to learn more about the Wetlands Protection Act and what a Conservation Commission does.  PCC voted to accept Larry Todd as an Associate Member and welcomed him.  John Vieira will speak with John Lebeaux to let him know.

Commission to discuss language for a letter to the Open Space Committee regarding the Open Space Plan.  John Vieira sent out a copy of the Open Space Plan to the entire PCC.  The PCC is being asked to write a letter in support of the plan.  The PCC voted to have John Vieira write a letter of support of the Princeton Open Space and Recreation Plan update.

Amendment Request to Order of Conditions 267-0364 for DCR Echo Lake Dam work for installing a hydrant for fire purposes as part of the dam project.  Plan submitted showing the fire hydrant location and this was public noticed in the paper.  The PCC voted to issue an Amendment to the OOC to include the installation of the fire hydrant in the proposed location.

John Vieira asked Dave Getman if he had met regarding Jacob Elie’s Eagle Scout Project.  Dave indicated that he had met with Jacob and they decided on a location for the installation and that the required Town signature for the building permit was received.  Holly Palmgren noted that Jacob had secured the required donations and materials to complete the project.

Meeting minutes for February 2013 were read and accepted as written.
Meeting Minutes for March 2013 were read and accepted with one correction.
Meeting Minutes for April 2013 were read and accepted.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:15pm.

                                                                        Holly Palmgren